December 21, 2024
Action Center
Run Survey




2008 Total Incidents: 3,650

Total Fire Responses: 1,224

Emergency Medical Responses: 2,426

Structure Fire: 35

Fires (Non Structure): 112

False Alarms: 227

Mutual Aid Given: 109


Other Hazardous Conditions: 741


2007 Total Incidents: 3,665

Total Fire Responses: 1,150

Emergency Medical Responses: 2,515

Structure Fire: 30

Fires (Non Structure): 141

False Alarms: 207

Mutual Aid Given: 50

Haz-Mat: 43

Other Hazardous Conditions: 679


2006 Total Incidents: 3,653

Total Fire Responses: 1,215

Emergency Medical Responses: 2,438

Structure Fires: 46

 Fires (Non Structure): 68

False Alarms: 190

Mutual Aid Given: 159

Haz-Mat: 41

Other Hazardous Conditions: 711


2005 Total Incidents: 3,315

Total Fire Responses: 1,151

Emergency Medical Responses: 2,164

Structure Fires: 38

 Fires (Non Structure): 76

False Alarms: 196

Mutual Aid Given: 199

Haz-Mat: 39

Other Hazardous Conditions: 603


 2004 Total Incidents: 3,190

Total Fire Responses: 1,104

Emergency Medical Responses: 2,086

Structure Fires: 31

 Fires (Non Structure): 91

False Alarms: 201

Mutual Aid Given: 203

Haz-Mat: 37

Other Hazardous Conditions: 541


  2003 Total Incidents: 3,201

Total Fire Responses: 1,114

Emergency Medical Responses: 2,087

Structure Fires: 49

 Fires (Non Structure): 58

False Alarms: 186

Mutual Aid Given: 169

Haz-Mat: 39

Other Hazardous Conditions: 613







Aug 16, 2011

FIRE Act Grant Application Opens August 15


August 8, 2011 -- The application period for Fiscal Year 2011 Assistance to Firefighters Grants (FIRE Act) program will begin August 15 and run through September 9, 2011. The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has posted a Get Ready Guide to help with the grant application process, as well as a review of the program guidance and application kit. For additional assistance, call or email the Help Desk at 1-866-274-0960.

Click here to learn more and start your
online application online.

The IAFF encourages its affiliates to work with their fire departments to apply for these grants, which are awarded to fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical service organizations throughout the country and are designed to improve response capabilities and more effectively protect the health and safety of the public with respect to fire and other hazards, help local fire departments and emergency medical services organizations purchase or receive training, conduct first responder health and safety programs and buy equipment and response vehicles.

As of August 2010, prime recipients of federal grants are now required to register in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) system. Potential grantees are not required to register, but may wish to do so now in anticipation of receiving an award.

How to register:
Obtain a DUNS number from Dun and Bradstreet. A DUNS number is a required to submit an application.
2. Once you have a DUNS number, register
here. For more information on grantee registration in the CCR system, click here.

For additional assistance, call or email the Assistance to Firefighters grant program Help Desk at 1-866-274-0960 or email

Click here for a schedule of grant preparation workshops or click here for "Rules and Tools" resources.

The FIRE Act program is administered by the DHS Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Grant Programs Directorate in coordination with the U.S. Fire Administration.

Aug 16, 2011

Call History1980 2010.pdf

Page Last Updated: Aug 16, 2011 (11:56:17)
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